b-s-zoku 暴走族と戦う少女のアクションアドベンチャー

b-s-zoku (bunnyshepard様制作)

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プレイ時間 20分





















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Machine translation from here to English


An action adventure about a girl who fights against bikers

Play time 20 minutes



b-s-zoku is an action adventure game about a girl who fights against bikers.

At the beginning of the game, the protagonist, Mikaduki, is hit on the head and robbed of her money by a group of bikers called "Keitosuru".

Afterwards, a woman (from the Keitosuru's rival group, Zokugai?) who was watching the whole thing teaches Mikaduki how to fight. The story of the game is that a woman (from Keitosuru's rival organization, Zokugai?) who saw the whole thing teaches Mikaduki how to fight, and with her power, Mikaduki goes to take revenge on the men.


The combat is a belt-scrolling action system like Final Fight or the first generation of the Kuniokun series.

the Sukeban-style Mikaduki looks like Misuzu, the overwhelmingly powerful character in the first Kuniokun!



Tunegoro's Thoughts and Feedback


When I played this game, I thought, "Japanese delinquent culture is really popular overseas! That's what I thought.

I used to read delinquent comics in Shonen Magazine when I was little, and I thought they were interesting to look at as creative works, but I didn't want to get close to them in real life.

However, it was refreshing to know that this kind of delinquent culture and yakuza stories such as Kyokudo are popular not only in Japan but also in the world.

Even in Japan, mafia stories such as "The Godfather" are popular, and a hundred years ago, during the Belle Epoque in France, the street gang "apache" was so popular that a movie was made about it! (Although the apache dance, which was derived from apache, is out of fashion in terms of human rights today.)


The visual quality of the film was high, with the main character Mikazuki's Sukeban-like style, her mom's style that looked like she was wearing a suicide suit, and Natuki's regent style that was all over the place.

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I also like the pork cutlet place and the 8-12 (like a 7-11 in the summertime)!

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Also, I re-translated the English in the game to make a new video, and it was interesting that it wasn't until I got to the epilogue at the end that I was able to read why Keitosuru had become a criminal organization that worsened public safety.

(It's not explicitly stated until the end, but perhaps Mom wanted Mikazuki to grow up in a good environment and started Keitosuru as an organization to protect public safety, but due to conflicts with rival organizations and the corruption of the organization over time, it ended up hurting Mikazuki in the opposite direction.)



Here is my feedback on this game.

Good points

・Visual elements such as the characters' styles and stage backgrounds.

・The content of the story.

・The text shaking depending on Mikazuki's level of excitement during conversations (it was easy to intuitively see how agitated Mikazuki was).


Points that bothered me

・The range of Mikazuki's punches in the action section. The range of Mikazuki's punches in the action portion of the game was obviously too long, making the battle too easy.

・I wrote earlier that the story was good, but it was difficult to decipher, so people who are looking for an easy to understand story may not like it. (However, I love b-s-zoku's stories because I prefer stories that are difficult to understand to stories that are easy to understand!)

・About the name of the organization "keitosuru" (ケイトスル). You might have thought it was a Japanese-like name, but the word has no meaning as a Japanese word, so I was curious what it meant. I liked the names "Mikazuki", "Natuki", and "Amaya". (I especially like Mikazuki because it feels dignified even though it is a feminine name in Japanese!)

Sorry for the Japanese point on this one!


From the above, I got the impression that it was a visual novel game with action elements.

I like the style of b-s-zoku you've created, and I'll be rooting for you in the future!