DISMEMBER MIND 3 (ReveVoodoo様制作)

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プレイ時間 1時間30分 ※暴力、流血表現注意


You can find the English translation below the article!(記事の下に英訳があるよ!)


DISMEMBER MIND 3は、主人公のゾーイフォークナイフを片手に男たちステルスキルしていくホラーアクションゲームの3作目です。




DISMEMBER MIND 1では9歳だったゾーイも、6年経った2では15歳に、3では更に4年経ち19歳になっています。



ちなみにこのシリーズは今回で完結! ストーリー展開もグラフィックも回を重ねる毎に進化しててすごいよ!












DISMEMBER MINDシリーズは半年も経たずに3作も作られた、非常に短いスパンでの作品にもかかわらずグラフィックの質が毎回向上していて、 1はPS1初期のバイオハザード1の用な非常に粗いポリゴン+固定カメラ、2では解像度が上がったポリゴン+自由に動かせるカメラ、今作の3に至っては表情豊かな3Dモデルに進化しています。





まず前提として、DISMEMBER MIND 2のラストで真っ二つにした二人の人物、今作終了時までつねこはゾーイの実の両親であると思ってて、児童売春宿であるヴィラに売られたことを恨んで殺害したと思っていたけど、実はゾーイの本当の父親はアルコール中毒のため養育権を剥奪され、小さな彼女を養子として引き取ったのが、前作で殺害した人たちでした。




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シリーズの最初は、小さな少女が男たちを次々と倒していく、ちょっとグロいけど気持ちが良い作品として楽しんでいましたが、2ではDISMEMBER MINDのストーリー部分やゾーイの繊細な表情や心境などに気づいて一気に惹かれ、3でゾーイの旅の終わりを見ることができて本当に良かったです。 最高の体験でした!











English translation below (Machine translation at DeepL)



DISMEMBER MIND 3 is the third horror action game in which the main character, Zoe, stealth kills men with fork and knife in hand.

↓The first article

↓The second article


In DISMEMBER MIND 1, Zoe was 9 years old, in 2, 6 years later, she is 15, and in 3, 4 years later, she is 19. However, this time she is imprisoned for murder, and her hair is shaved. In prison, she is forced to take intelligence tests and play death matches with other murderers. What will she achieve?

By the way, this is the end of the series! The storyline and graphics have evolved with each installment, and it's amazing!



Spoiler alert for Tsuneko.


I'm glad to see the end of Zoe's journey!


First, about the graphics.

The first one had very rough polygons and a fixed camera like Resident Evil 1 on PS1, the second one had higher resolution polygons and a camera that could be moved freely, and the third one had more expressive 3D models. This may be due to the improvement of the author's skills, but I think it's more of an expression of how the years have changed in the game, and how Zoe's growth has changed the way she sees things.


Next, let's talk about the story of this game.

At first, I didn't understand the story that well when I played it while delivering the video, but after watching the recording of the game again and retranslating it, I was able to deepen my understanding of the story through the comments I received from the author, so I'll write about it. I'm sure the people who watched the video probably didn't understand it either!

First of all, as a premise, the two people who cut Zoe in half at the end of Dismember Mind 2, until the end of this game, Tsuneko thought they were Zoe's real parents and killed them because they resented being sold to the Villa, a child brothel, but in fact, Zoe's real father was stripped of his child-rearing rights because he was an alcoholic, and the people who adopted the little girl were the people who killed her in the previous game. It was true that she was sold to the villa by those two!


In this movie, she has grown up and become stronger and can evade enemy attacks head-on, and Zoe, who was shaved, has grown hair thanks to the power of blood. The scene changes when Zoe finds the piano in the prison and starts playing. The scene shows a man prostrate on the piano with a bottle of liquor on the floor and says, "I lost something important because of my stupidity. I lost something precious because of my own stupidity, but I will get it back at any cost with my soul.

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This man is Zoe's real father, and it seems that Zoe's strength is due to the power of her father's spirit. After that, Zoe begins her escape through the ducts, cutting down prison guards who try to seize her with the power of her blood, which has grown even stronger.


After escaping the prison and fleeing to the sea, a man in a suit who came in a warship with a large number of combat soldiers comes looking for Zoe.


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While bleeding out the combat soldiers (it feels good!) When you get to the man in the suit, Zoe suddenly floats inside and jumps around as if she is being controlled, then a mysterious shadow of a man appears from Zoe's body with blood and charges at the man in the suit, breaking him apart.

Great camera work!


This was the spirit of her father, who jumped out of Zoe in anger when he found the man in the suit, the leader of the villa. I love the moment when Zoe's expression at this point was "What the hell happened?" and then it changed to a sunny expression as if she understood!!!!!


Fifteen days later, Zoe is reunited with her partner, Jest, who appeared in the second episode on the small farm.



Later on TV, "The places where the men were slaughtered were discovered one after another, and it turned out to be a child prostitution facility used by political and financial heavyweights. The leader of the institution is missing, and the testimonies of the rescued girls were used to create a montage of the killers." The game ends with a montage of a person wearing the rabbit mask that Zoe was wearing before. The game ends with a montage of a person wearing a rabbit mask that Zoe used to wear.


I was about to conclude that the game was just about the incident that happened to Zoe ten years ago, but I found out differently from the comments I received from the author, so here are the comments.

Comments from authors and their replies


So what the news was saying was that the spirit of Zoe's father, wearing a rabbit mask, was going around the villa opening up! That was it. This was good, because now Zoe wouldn't have to be scared of the chase from the villa!



Acknowledgements at the end

I'm really glad I got to play this trilogy. At the beginning of the series, I enjoyed it as a little girl defeating men one after another, which was a bit gross but pleasant, but in 2, I noticed the story part of Dismember Mind and Zoe's delicate expressions and state of mind, which attracted me at once. I'm so glad I was able to see the end of Zoe's journey in 3. It was the best experience ever!